

The influence of the Moon in the constellation of Gemini will make us feel like we are also made up of two personalities. We will easily split into two parts: our outer, solar side, and our inner – lunar side. However, under the influence of this lunar position, our inner essence may remain hidden deep inside, while our outward expression may outright deny its existence. This duality can lead to inner conflict, and if not resolved in time, the result will be stress, frequent mood swings, and so on.

The Moon in Gemini will enhance our extroverted qualities, meaning those oriented towards external activity. This can be put to good use in our relationships with others. Our minds will move from one object to another very quickly, almost instantaneously. And if a person ever wanted to become eloquent, now is the time like never before. In addition to cleverness and inventiveness, our ability to engage in dialogue will be adorned with refined humor and agility, which will be quite appropriate if the conversation turns into light flirtation.

During this time, our instinctive sense will sharpen, and our first reaction will most likely be the most correct one. The Moon in Gemini is a time to enjoy communication and have fun. Our communication skills will reach their peak, and there will be enough energy for two. We need to avoid impatience with those around us; excess energy contributes to this. The influence of the Moon in Gemini will bring restlessness. We will be jumping from one thought to another, from one conversational partner to another. This lunar sign has an airy nature, so some levity in behavior is quite understandable.

The sharpening and acceleration of intellectual reactions, manifested during the influence of the Moon in Gemini, can be used to solve complex problems, especially those left over from the period when the Moon was in Taurus. The rational influence of Gemini will also contribute to our romantic relationships, which can positively affect the resolution of difficult emotional conflicts. Although intuition is noticeably enhanced during this period, people rarely listen to it.