20th lunar day

20th lunar day

General description

The symbols are the “Vulture Eagle” and the “Eagle with a Rabbit’s Tail”.
After we have purified our soul and thoughts, the process of transformation begins. On this day, a person can acquire the ability of clairvoyance and cognize the cosmic law. This is a very difficult day. If a person has not worked with the previous lunar days, then it is better not to touch the 20th lunar day. You can just do household chores and take care of your family.
Practices should be carried out under the guidance of a Teacher. It is good to fast and go hungry. One should not eat animal food. One should not strain one’s eyesight, subject oneself to psychic treatment, and heal oneself. Since this is the day of transformation, it is not known what the results may be. It all depends on the level of the healer and on your level, so it’s better not to take any risks.
On this day, you should not show pride and arrogance, anger and disgust – this also slows down the transformation. It is better not to start any business if you do not have the energies of the day, otherwise the business you start may get out of control. Do not start a business when you are not confident in your abilities, it can turn into something completely different.
The Anahata chakra, shoulder blades, upper back, and abdominal cavity are associated with this day. If a person does not live properly, then a sign of this may be numbness of the neck and the back of the spine. This is a very important day, it is not in vain called the circle of life. Almost all energy connections are suitable here.
Improper use of these energies can lead to loss of consciousness and to an increase in blood pressure, there may be numbness in the hands and pain in the shoulder blades. You may experience an unpleasant sensation: as if someone is sitting on you or you are carrying a stone on your back.
People born on the 20th lunar day are also different. If a person is aware of his life, he is able to become an ascetic, to sacrifice everything for the cause he serves. They live in anticipation of a feat, just as people on the 14th lunar day live in anticipation of their hour. They are able to cognize the cosmic law and, feeling this potency, spend their whole lives preparing for something great.
If a person does not develop spiritually, he or she can become a dictator because of the belief that he or she knows everything. He can carry a false idea, blindly believing in it and adoring himself, i.e. become a pseudo-teacher.


Dreams of the twentieth lunar day show a person the connecting thread that unites his past, present and future into a single whole. That is, the images of dreams give you the opportunity to look at your hidden life from a bird’s eye view, to look at all subconscious activities with a single glance.


The most vulnerable part of the body on this lunar day is the upper back. Those who are heavily involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting, or martial arts are advised to refrain from heavy loads on this area. It is better to work with other muscle groups. The most useful exercises today will be those performed with a partner, and ideally, the more people who participate, the better. For the same reason, it is recommended to engage in collective sports games – football, basketball, volleyball, and so on.
Some astrological schools advise cleansing procedures, especially toning massages, and in particular, back massages.


Sexual relationships can remain the same as always. Today, it is not necessary to introduce something new, you can just have quality sex. The main thing is that both partners feel good and comfortable. This, of course, does not mean that a love relationship should become boring, mundane and bland; no, it should be as calm as water. There is no need to look for exoticism; nowadays, a well-tested old love technique is better than a new one.



It’s a very productive day, especially for teamwork. But it is very detrimental for solitary actions, as a loner risks quickly exhausting his or her energy reserves, undermining health, and ultimately reducing productivity. Those who manage to organize teamwork will achieve great results. During this period, it is very important to strike a middle ground – not to rush, not to fuss, not to rush from side to side, but not to be passive either. You need to be guided by the circumstances and be adequate to the situations that arise.
The ideal option on this lunar day is to analyze all the events in your business over the past few days, to look at everything from an eagle’s eye view.
Remember that it is not recommended to break off any business relationships or contracts on the twentieth lunar day, this can lead to undesirable consequences that go far.
This is a favorable time to start new business, conclude contracts, sign agreements, open new branches, hire new employees, and so on.


All questions asked during divination on the twentieth lunar day should relate mainly to the social sphere. You can ask the oracle about relationships between people. But you need to remember that the answer is limited only by the time frame of the current lunar month. It is useless to ask about longer periods of time, as the answer will still be inaccurate, due to the fact that relationships between people change very quickly, and each time you need to ask the oracle anew to clarify the situation.
Divination on the outcome of a planned enterprise
Take stones of two colors, and their number should be equal: for example, 10 white and 10 black. Mix the stones, close your eye and scoop up an arbitrary amount with your palm.
– there are more white stones – your business will be successful;
– black stones predominate – your business will fail;
– there is an equal number of stones – it all depends on you: if you show perseverance and perseverance, everything will work out, if you are lazy, you will fail.
Fortune telling about financial status
Put pine cones in the center of the oak bark laid out around the oak bark so that they rise above the bark.
Take a lucha or a piece of paper and set fire to the cones. Wait for the fire to start and watch.
If the fire spreads:
– only a part of the oak bark – the money will be one-time and different in quantity, sometimes there will be a lot of them, sometimes very few;
– all the bark at once – you will soon find a permanent source of income that will be your hope and support for a long time.


This is a period of spiritual rebirth, a transition to a new level, so many esoteric schools held initiations on the twentieth lunar day.
This is the time when a student of a mystical school was usually taught about the relationship between the phenomena of the universe, that everything in the world is interconnected and all beings inhabiting the earth are one. Therefore, with each act of enlightenment, the entire universe is enlightened, not just one individual. And perfection is not the perfection of the mind, but of the heart.
In addition, during this period, collective spiritual exercises, meditations, joint recitation of mantras, singing zikras or spiritual songs, work with energies, and so on were conducted.
Modern healers use the twentieth lunar day to conduct healing sessions with the participation of several people, as well as for collective therapy.