Lunar calendar

Lunar calendar

From time immemorial, people have correlated their lives with the rhythms of the lunar cycle. There is not a single ancient pagan religion that didn’t allocate a place for the Moon god. In many religions, it held paramount significance. The influence of the lunar cycle on our lives has remained unchanged over centuries. The lunar calendar helps us realize that we are part of nature, part of our planet. The entire world is interconnected with energies, and humans also influence life on the planet in various ways.

The lunar calendar turns a person from a state of searching, darkness, and loneliness into a state of involvement in everything that happens, where they can feel the emotions of others (when everyone feels bad, so does she). The lunar calendar allows one to forget about oneself. Feel the rhythms around you, and you will be protected. The strength of the lunar calendar lies in its ability to provide orientation without struggle, allowing one to avoid it. Lunar reality is a reflection. Knowing how lunar cycles affect our lives saves us time and energy, and also protects us from many troubles.

In the lunar calendar, there is no artificial ritual; there is the “ritual” of natural life. When you perform a ritual out of compulsion, even internally, it cannot be considered natural. A natural ritual occurs when you don’t perform it but simply live in it.

Most astrological forecasts and advice regarding the character, fate, and peculiarities of people are based on the influence of planets. But since the Moon is closest to us all, its influence is the most palpable. Therefore, based on centuries of observations, the lunar calendar was created.

Each day of the lunar cycle has certain domestic, business, social, as well as healing properties. Considering them, everyone can avoid misfortunes and organize their affairs correctly. Everything in nature strives for balance and is subject to periodic changes in rhythms, and humans, as part of nature, are no exception.

The lunar calendar is a cyclic change of four phases of the celestial body. The lunar month consists of twenty-nine or thirty lunar days, depending on the length of the first day, which in turn is determined by the proximity of the Moon to the horizon at the time of the New Moon. Each lunar day carries its own information, different from the information of other lunar days. Four days that divide the quarters of the lunar month are especially significant against this background. They are critical because they reflect unfavorable positions of the Sun and the Moon relative to each other, namely conjunction (at New Moon), opposition or full Moon, and squares (at the junction of the 1st and 2nd phases, as well as at the junction of the 3rd and 4th phases). Critical days tell us about the Moon’s transition to another phase and, accordingly, about a change in its influence.

Traditionally, it is considered favorable to start new endeavors during the waxing Moon (1st and 2nd phases of the Moon), but not in the first two days after the New Moon, and to finish them during the waning Moon.

Each lunar day has its symbol and its characteristic; they are associated with receiving different information. The lunar month consists of twenty-nine or thirty lunar days, or lunar days, not always equal in size. This is because the real lunar cycle is approximately twenty-nine and a half solar days. The starting point of the lunar month, the reference point, is the moment of the New Moon. The first lunar day lasts from the onset of the New Moon to the first rise of the Moon according to astronomical data for a particular location. The New Moon can occur either a few minutes before or immediately after the rise. Therefore, the first and last lunar days can be very short, just a few minutes. All subsequent days begin with the rise of the Moon. The so-called “saturnine” lunar days (9th, 23rd, 26th, and 29th days), better referred to as critical, warn us not to dissolve into general sluggishness. There is no need to fear critical lunar days. The lunar calendar exists so that we do not waste unnecessary energy on struggle. It helps us live peacefully.