Lunar calendar for March 8, 2025

  • Events of the lunar calendar for 03/08/2025
  • 00:00 - the 9th lunar day, which started yesterday, continues
  • 00:00 - as yesterday, the moon is in the sign Cancer
  • 10:52 - the beginning of the 10th lunar day

The influence of the 9th lunar day on human activity - a classical interpretation

The sphere of life Action of the month
monetary transactionsbadly
communication with superiors, taxesbadly
change of place of workbadly
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)badly
studies (exams)norm
a feastbadly
disputes, clarification of relationsbadly
personal relationshipsterribly
physical activityperfectly
household chores (repair, cleaning)good
haircut, hair coloringnorm

9th lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Bat. The energy of the day is extremely difficult for humans. This is the so-called Satanic day, when the forces that people call dark are activated in nature. You may experience unreasonable anxiety, fears, fears and sad thoughts.
The ninth lunar day is a day of searching for the truth, the first of the critical days associated with temptation and seduction. It is dangerous with illusions, delusions and deceptions that lie in wait for the disciple (and in life we are all disciples) on the path. There is a great danger of accepting a lie as the truth and fanatically believing in it. And such fanatical belief gives rise to and fuels pride. Ignorance and pride are the two monsters of the 9th lunar day.

It is a day of purification, and purification at the level of thoughts. It is useful to keep track of the sprouts of pride in yourself. It is better to spend the day in silence and solitude, if possible. You should try to control your emotions and feelings, and not show anger or aggression, even if you are provoked into conflict.

This is not a good day for business. You can dedicate it to long-standing tasks that cannot be postponed. You shouldn’t start any new business.

In no case should you schedule a wedding or even an engagement on the 9th lunar day, and you should not engage in meditation or mantra practices.

It is better to give up alcohol, because it will heat up the blood, which is already warmed up by the energies of the day. For the same reason, it is better to avoid drinking strong coffee, or significantly limit its amount.

A haircut on this day is not advisable, as it will attract disease.

It is also better to refrain from sexual relations.

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Moon in the sign Cancer

Fasten your seat belts, as this lunar sign promises quite an intense ride. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and when the Moon passes through the constellation of Cancer, its influence is profoundly deep and strong. Cancer is a water sign with feminine energy, and under the influence of its lunar ruler, it amplifies the full spectrum of your emotions – from the highest highs to the lowest lows.

The Moon in Cancer will allow you to understand your inner essence through exploring your own emotions. It’s time to release feelings that have long been suppressed by our consciousness and pay attention to them. It is believed that the Moon gives energy to heartfelt states. In this case, the Moon in Cancer is simply a deep and strong “veinous” connection to your heart.

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