Lunar calendar for November 7, 2024

  • Events of the lunar calendar for 11/07/2024
  • 00:00 - the 6th lunar day, which started yesterday, continues
  • 00:00 - as yesterday, the moon is in the sign Capricorn
  • 13:02 - the beginning of the 7th lunar day

The influence of the 6th lunar day on human activity - a classical interpretation

The sphere of life Action of the month
monetary transactionsgood
communication with superiors, taxesgood
change of place of worknorm
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)norm
studies (exams)perfectly
a feastnorm
disputes, clarification of relationsgood
personal relationshipsgood
physical activitygood
household chores (repair, cleaning)norm
haircut, hair coloringbadly

6th lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Gamayun, a mythical bird with a woman’s head that predicts the future.
The sixth lunar day is a day of contemplation and love, joy and passion. It is one of the best days for marrying for true love. It is a good day for scientific and research work, mental activities and spiritual practices.

This is a day of sensitivity, intuition, telepathic phenomena, when we suddenly begin to read information and other people’s thoughts. It is a day of absorbing and assimilating cosmic energy, the best day for trying to look into the future, free thinking, dreams and fantasies. Intuition can reveal to a person a symbol of their life or help them see events that await them or other people. It is the day of prophecy and divination.

But for a spiritual or mental breakthrough on this day, you need to remain calm, in a state of harmony of mind and soul. It is necessary to stop your thoughts so that they do not interfere with the flow of transcendental information, stop your inner dialogue and listen to yourself.

It is good for breathing exercises, mental cleansing, i.e. correcting your own thoughts. A day of working with words.

Rejuvenation exercises, massage or self-massage, and aromatherapy are useful.

It is undesirable to cut your hair today – you may get a cold, your sense of smell may deteriorate. A person will look sick and may actually get sick.

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Moon in the sign Capricorn

During the period of the Moon’s influence in Capricorn, it’s time to work. As the Moon enters the domain of an earth sign, we become more grounded and practical. We will be driven by the desire to achieve our goals and concrete results, and our ambitions will assist us in this. Under the influence of the Moon in Capricorn, we may also feel a tendency towards emotional loneliness and isolation.

During this period, some people may compromise on their approach to life. Despite the fact that people will now adhere more to materialistic interests, intuition will not leave us, although it may be suppressed by the emotionally grounding qualities of the Moon in Capricorn. There is a risk of deeply burying our emotions. Some may exhibit feelings of alienation, emotional suppression, and this may be noticed by close individuals.

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