Lunar calendar for October 26, 2024

  • Events of the lunar calendar for 10/26/2024
  • 00:00 - the 23rd lunar day, which started yesterday, continues
  • 00:00 - as yesterday, the moon is in the sign Lion
  • 00:44 - the beginning of the 24th lunar day
  • 19:47 - the moon moves into a sign Virgo

The influence of the 23rd lunar day on human activity - a classical interpretation

The sphere of life Action of the month
monetary transactionsnorm
communication with superiors, taxesterribly
change of place of worknorm
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)badly
studies (exams)norm
a feastterribly
disputes, clarification of relationsterribly
personal relationshipsterribly
physical activitynorm
household chores (repair, cleaning)good
haircut, hair coloringnorm

23rd lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Crocodile. This is a critical day. The energy of the day provokes a person to manifest anger, aggression, and rage.
It’s a great day for finishing things and a bad day for starting them. It is better not to take risks and make big bets in life – there is too much chance of losing everything.

On this day, you shouldn’t succumb to provocations or act on your lowest thoughts. It is important to show such qualities as determination, fearlessness and self-confidence. There should be no doubt about the correctness of your actions.

It is advisable to avoid crowds: on this day, there are more crimes, clashes and primitive hooliganism than usual.

It is a day of cleansing the home, bringing sacred objects into the house. You can cleanse the house with fire, or holy water, or smoke juniper. It is very good to put a black flint on the threshold.

On this day, you should beware of overeating. It is also better to give up coffee and alcohol. They will only stimulate animal instincts that are already too active on this day.

A haircut will give your face a beautiful colour and improve your well-being.

Sex is highly undesirable on this day. It can cause painful sensations, weakness and even lead to illness.

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Moon in the sign Lion

When the Moon enters the constellation of Leo, you may feel a pleasant sense of relief. This fiery sign is characterized by qualities such as pride, generosity, and nobility alongside a desire for dominance, extravagance, and theatrics. Under the influence of this sign, our actions have a slightly theatrical tone, as we desire to be actively respected, praised, and encouraged by those around us.

Leo is the king of beasts. When the Moon passes through this sign, we feel the urge to reign over our territory. Ruled by the Sun, Leo has a masculine nature. The Moon in Leo will help you express your feelings to others. Your bright charm will attract attention, while your soft and noble manners will win the favor of those around you. Be careful not to show excessive stubbornness and arrogance. Pride and the desire for dominance can undermine or even ruin the approval and recognition you crave.

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