Lunar calendar for November 5, 2024

  • Events of the lunar calendar for 11/05/2024
  • 00:00 - the 4th lunar day, which started yesterday, continues
  • 00:00 - as yesterday, the moon is in the sign Archer
  • 11:29 - the beginning of the 5th lunar day
  • 17:16 - the moon moves into a sign Capricorn

The influence of the 4th lunar day on human activity - a classical interpretation

The sphere of life Action of the month
monetary transactionsgood
communication with superiors, taxesbadly
change of place of workbadly
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)badly
studies (exams)norm
a feastbadly
disputes, clarification of relationsbadly
personal relationshipsnorm
physical activitynorm
household chores (repair, cleaning)perfectly
haircut, hair coloringbadly

4th lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Tree of Eden. It was on this day that Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. It is the day of choice between good and evil. This is the day when people succumb to various temptations.
On this day, conflicts may arise and a person who stands firmly in his or her position will need to defend his or her point of view. It is a difficult day, but it can only become unhappy through the fault of the person.

The fourth lunar day is dedicated to acquiring knowledge, a wide variety of information, including the study of traditions, the history of your country and your family. It is a day of self-reflection and reminiscence in order to understand your own roots as a person and your family ties. On this day, it is better not to be alone, but to be with your family, try not to go out, not to overwork yourself physically and emotionally.

It is a time of rest, spiritual concentration and prayers. Prayers on this day come from the depths of the soul.

If you have offended someone, it is very good to ask them for forgiveness on this day.

On this day, you can find a spiritual teacher, get important advice or an answer to a question that torments you. Unrestrained people should keep quiet on this day, because evil words can cause disasters.

It is a good day for planting trees and plants, for starting a cycle of herbal treatment. The day’s endeavours will be successful, especially the search for missing things.

An illness that begins on this lunar day can be dangerous.

The mowing will bring discomfort, lead to longing and fear of losing loved ones. It can cause sore throats or lead to diseases of the mouth.

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Moon in the sign Archer

It’s time to work. The month enters the zone of influence of the earth sign, so we will become more grounded and practical. We will feel a drive to achieve our goals and concrete results. Our ambitions will assist in this. Under the influence of the Moon in Capricorn, we may also feel some inclination towards emotional solitude and introversion.

During this period, some may compromise their approach to life. Although people will largely adhere to materialistic interests now, intuition will not leave us, although it may be suppressed by the emotionally grounding qualities of the Moon in Capricorn. There is a risk of deeply burying our emotions. Some may experience feelings of alienation, emotional restraint, which may be noticed by close ones. It will be beneficial to engage in cleaning during this time: sort out things in the closet or garage. You have a huge reserve of energy now, and you will manage any task. Without unnecessary sentimentality, get rid of unnecessary clutter that you would regret throwing away another time. This period may be very useful for budget planning or bill payment. The influence of the Moon in this sign is so grounding that people can calmly perceive bad news.

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