It is now the 16th lunar day
04-24-2024 21:01:00 - the beginning of the 17th lunar day
04-25-2024 22:17:00 - the beginning of the 18th lunar day
04-26-2024 23:34:00 - the beginning of the 19th lunar day
04-28-2024 00:45:00 - the beginning of the 20th lunar day
04-29-2024 01:46:00 - the beginning of the 21st lunar day

16th lunar day

The influence of the 16th lunar day

The sphere of life Action of the month

More information

  • Events of the lunar calendar for April 24, 2024
  • 00:00 - the 16th lunar day, which started yesterday, continues
  • 00:00 - as yesterday, the moon is in the sign Scorpio
  • 21:01 - the beginning of the 17th lunar day

More about April 24, 2024

The symbol of the day is the Dove. It is a very beautiful, bright and harmonious day. Therefore, there is no need to bring any disharmony into the surrounding energy (shouting, saying obscene words, etc.).
This is a day of purity. It is good to clean up your home and work on this day. It is favourable to carry out cleansing procedures. Both for the body and for thoughts.

A good day for creative people – good ideas may come to mind. It is favourable for travelling and travelling.

It is better to refrain from cutting your hair – misfortunes and mistakes will occur. Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full, cravings for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract betrayal, which can lead to a significant deterioration in your health.

You can start new business.

On this day, you should abstain from sexual intercourse and not eat rough animal food.

More details Information about 23 April 2024

Moon in the sign "Scorpio"

The most fitting word to describe the influence of this lunar sign is “intensity.” Intensity will increase in everything, but especially in interactions with people. When the Moon enters Scorpio, a person’s psychic and intuitive abilities significantly increase. It will be much easier for us to perceive the state of other people now.

The Moon in Scorpio is a Moon in a water sign. Therefore, our emotional reaction is heightened, and emotional needs increase significantly. It’s better if we refrain from explosive displays of emotions, especially those that may have negative implications, as all feelings are heightened during this period, and even slight irritation can lead to anger.

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