8th lunar day

8th lunar day

General description

The symbols of the day are “Phoenix” and “Fire”. On this day, the body undergoes biochemical transmutation. It is the finalization of what happened to a person in the first 7 lunar days. On the 8th lunar day, you should eat only light food, cereals and fish. It is recommended to cleanse the stomach.
Cleansing the stomach
You should have dinner no later than 6-7 pm. We know that food undergoes chemical processes for 3 hours in the stomach. After 3 hours, the “gates” of the stomach open and it goes into the intestines. It is before the food goes into the intestines that you need to cleanse the stomach. Put 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water. Water is drunk in two doses. First, drink 0.5 liters of this water and induce vomiting. Soda water is needed in order not to burn the esophagus when bile passes through it. Then drink another 0.5 liters of this water and induce vomiting again. After the second dose, clear water should come out. If it is still cloudy, then you need to drink another 0.5 liters of soda water and induce vomiting again. This is a very auspicious procedure on the 8th lunar day. It is best done around 10 pm. Thus, you prepare yourself for a clean nighttime biochemistry.
It is good to repent on the 8th lunar day. It is not recommended to practice with fire on this day. You can prepare medicines for all diseases. You can even prepare complex medicines from 108 components and there will be maximum effect.
The stomach and peripheral nervous system, the Manipura chakra, are associated with the 8th lunar day. If this energy is used incorrectly, there may be stomach pains, internal tremors, and the person’s ears may “burn”.
People born on the 8th lunar day are indicated for “dry” hunger. Their biochemical process is constantly going on. They are natural alchemists who can burn and be reborn like the Phoenix bird.


Dreams on the eighth lunar day indicate untapped opportunities, those things that you have not realized, but which are still worth realizing.
In addition, dreams open up the veil of the subconscious to a person, where there are many forgotten problems, unresolved tasks that you once turned away from, not wanting to do anything with them. You might think that everything is behind you, but it is not. Everything that has not been untied will still have to be untied, otherwise you will be doomed to eternal “walking in circles”.
Dreams indicate these “knots” and how they can be untied.
Also, the images of dreams of the eighth lunar day can be treated as a kind of “barometer” that indicates a person’s ability to change. The more tragic moments in dreams associated with falling into traps, snares, dead ends, confined spaces, falls, the more “closed” you are, unable to change. And this leads to the slow death of you as a person. Conversely, if in your dreams you see wide expanses of steppe, fields, sea, sky, the more transformational processes are happening to you.


This lunar day is ideal for preparing medicines with a large number of components, and the more components the medicine contains, the more successful it will be.
Many astrological schools recommend cleansing the intestines at this time, as well as arranging a fasting day. Massage treatments and aromatherapy sessions are highly recommended.
During this period, the peripheral nervous system is vulnerable, so you need to keep calm, if possible, do not take on excessive physical activity, do not overload during training.


In intimate relationships on this lunar day, you need to be extremely careful. It is best to spend it on “theory,” that is, reading books about sexual techniques. Even if you feel the desire and strength to fulfill it, you will still refrain.


It’s best to go hungry on the eighth lunar day, to have a fast. If this is not possible, then eat mostly vegetarian food until the next lunar day and, of course, refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol.
Some astrological schools recommend cooking compound dishes on the eighth lunar day, such as borscht, salads, ratatouille, stews, and so on.


In a sense, we can say that the eighth lunar day is a “second chance”: you can try to implement those projects and ideas that you have not succeeded in the past or for which you have not had time. But in order to make old projects work again, you need to try to implement them using new methods, not the old ones. It’s time for new, non-stereotypical solutions. Anyone who remains a supporter of “yesterday,” who continues to use old methods in their business, is doomed to extinction like a dinosaur.
Business is a “living”, constantly changing structure, and it is impossible to achieve even a small success in it if you do not change with it.
Businessmen on the eighth lunar day also need to be careful about assessing their capabilities, because the excess energy may make it seem like you are capable of a lot, but this is far from the case. The sudden burst of energy is temporary, it will pass on the next lunar day, and then you will be disappointed. Be careful not to overestimate your capabilities. What seems to you to be an “overflowing reservoir of strength” is actually just an adrenaline rush caused by the transformation process, and nothing more.


On the eighth lunar day, you should divine the past by asking the oracle what event from the past prevents you from changing the present, i.e., you should divine to identify knots, karmas.
Predicting the future on this day is not recommended, as the prophecies will still be wrong.
Divination by colored beans
Take 5 types of beans: white, black, pink, white spotted, pink spotted. Pour semolina into a wide dish. Take 5 beans of each type and put the selected beans in the dish with semolina. Cover the dish with a linen napkin and shake it lightly, without removing the napkin, scoop out the beans with your hand. See how many beans and what color you pulled out.
If they predominate:
– white – in the past, fate was favorable to you, but you remained deaf to its lessons, do not repeat your mistakes;
– pink – you were afraid to take risks and experiment, so your present is not changing;
– black – you have committed a lot of sins and now you will have to pay for them with your misfortunes. You reap what you sow;
– an equal number of white, black, and variegated cards – in the past, you listened to the instructions of fate, so expect pleasant events soon.


From the esoteric point of view, this is a very important period. For example, during this period, magical rituals are performed in Tibet to pacify evil and angry spirits. The “fire” of the eighth lunar day is the “fire of purification” because without cleansing oneself of the old, a person cannot renew himself or herself and accept the new.
Remember what the Bible says: “It is impossible to pour new wine into old cups.” That is why mystical schools recommend that during this period one should carry out cleansing practices, both physical and energetic.
The eighth lunar day is the most ideal time to worship fire. Fire is one of the most ancient deities worshipped by man. For this reason, certain esoteric traditions perform rituals of fire worship at this time, lighting large fires and making offerings.