4th lunar day

4th lunar day

General description

The symbols are the Tree of Knowledge and Aum.
On this day, there is a process of choosing between good and evil. It is not recommended to be alone.
It’s good to take a walk in the woods, plant plants, remember traditions. You need to do everything that contributes to a conscious choice between evil and good. We make this choice on three levels: the level of thought, word, and action. All three levels must be under control. Verbal magic, i.e., the recitation and singing of sacred hymns, mantras, and prayers, can help us make the right choice. On this day, it is good to spin and unspin threads, thus helping to untie the knots of karma and distinguish good from evil.
It is not recommended to make a decision that has not been well thought out. It is bad to be in large groups and do group work. You should not pick flowers or cut down trees on this day.
On the 4th lunar day, a person can receive protection from the egregore. This happens when we recall our life events and draw conclusions. This is how we make our choices, correctly assessing the situation that weighs heavily on us. By transforming, we receive the protection of the egregore.
It is very favorable to be in a family and communicate with the elements (fire, water, earth, air). The magical effect of the 4th lunar day is to knead bread. Bread is a special product. A lot of labor was put into it, and a huge number of people touched it with their energy. Bread is a symbol of goodness and unity of people, and the cheesecake is a symbol of the Sun.
The day is also called “Aum”, so making sounds on this day is beneficial, although the sound “Aum” is intended for the mental body. But the mental body is the one that dominates the astral and physical bodies, and its good condition is favorable for all other bodies. You can sing sounds and mantras for all three bodies.
The 4th lunar day is associated with the Vishudha chakra, the larynx. If a person does not use energy for its intended purpose, he or she will suffer from osteochondrosis. They have not made a choice.
People born on the 4th lunar day already initially carry the appropriate energies, and their every word carries verbal magic, their every word is significant. Therefore, it is better for people born on the 4th lunar day to keep silent. Their words still carry a “reward”. Such people are the bearers of a cosmic secret, but they can only discover this secret by themselves through inner self-awareness. Their life task is to unravel this secret.


The symbols are the Tree of Knowledge and Aum.
On this day, there is a process of choosing between good and evil. It is not recommended to be alone.
It’s good to take a walk in the woods, plant plants, remember traditions. You need to do everything that contributes to a conscious choice between evil and good. We make this choice on three levels: the level of thought, word, and action. All three levels must be under control. Verbal magic, i.e., the recitation and singing of sacred hymns, mantras, and prayers, can help us make the right choice. On this day, it is good to spin and unspin threads, thus helping to untie the knots of karma and distinguish good from evil.
It is not recommended to make a decision that has not been well thought out. It is bad to be in large groups and do group work. You should not pick flowers or cut down trees on this day.
On the 4th lunar day, a person can receive protection from the egregore. This happens when we recall our life events and draw conclusions. This is how we make our choices, correctly assessing the situation that weighs heavily on us. By transforming, we receive the protection of the egregore.
It is very favorable to be in a family and communicate with the elements (fire, water, earth, air). The magical effect of the 4th lunar day is to knead bread. Bread is a special product. A lot of labor was put into it, and a huge number of people touched it with their energy. Bread is a symbol of goodness and unity of people, and the cheesecake is a symbol of the Sun.
The day is also called “Aum”, so making sounds on this day is beneficial, although the sound “Aum” is intended for the mental body. But the mental body is the one that dominates the astral and physical bodies, and its good condition is favorable for all other bodies. You can sing sounds and mantras for all three bodies.
The 4th lunar day is associated with the Vishudha chakra, the larynx. If a person does not use energy for its intended purpose, he or she will suffer from osteochondrosis. They have not made a choice.
People born on the 4th lunar day already initially carry the appropriate energies, and their every word carries verbal magic, their every word is significant. Therefore, it is better for people born on the 4th lunar day to keep silent. Their words still carry a “reward”. Such people are the bearers of a cosmic secret, but they can only discover this secret by themselves through inner self-awareness. Their life task is to unravel this secret.


On the fourth lunar day, you need to pay close attention to the throat and cervical spine – they are especially vulnerable now. Therefore, when working at a computer, it is recommended to rest and stretch your neck more often, and for those who have to talk a lot at work, such as teachers or lecturers, it is advisable to be as silent as possible during this period, and if this is not possible, then drink hot tea more often and do not overstrain your vocal cords. It is very beneficial for health to take a walk in the woods or park on the fourth lunar day. You need to be near flowers and trees as much as possible, and it’s especially good to be near an oak or ash tree. This will help you balance the energy flows in your body and bring it into a harmonious state.


You need to be very careful with intimate relationships. For those who are not married, it is important to avoid sexual intercourse during this period with the “wrong one” or “the wrong person,” and even more so with the “wrong ones.” Those who are bound by the fetters of Hymenaeus are advised to engage in “light” forms of sex, for example, to limit themselves to oral sex or petting.
Some healers warn that during this lunar period there is a high probability of catching any venereal disease, and Christian mystics generally advise abstaining from sex during this period.


On the fourth lunar day, it is advisable to devote the lion’s share of your diet to stewed vegetables and salads. Food during this period should be: hearty, but without frills.
The main thing now is to remove controversial foods from your menu, i.e. those that can cause allergies or adverse reactions. In no case should you eat foods of unnatural origin.
The Christian mystical school strictly forbids eating foods that you have never eaten before, no matter how tempted you are. It is better to wait one day and then try them, because they can quite possibly cause poisoning.
Herbal tea made from sedative herbs, such as lemon balm, chamomile, and mint, is very useful at this time.


For businessmen, the fourth lunar day gives them a chance to carefully analyze the financial affairs they started on the second and third lunar days, identify where there are weaknesses and eliminate them.
This is a great time to collect, accumulate, and process new information. For example, it’s a good idea to look through magazines or advertising brochures and note if there is any device that can make your work easier or increase its efficiency by several orders of magnitude.
This is the time to rationalize your business and enterprise. It’s better to do everything on this lunar day to increase the efficiency of your business than to be trailing behind your competitors for a long time.
On this lunar day, you should spare neither time nor money to increase the productivity of your enterprise.
Astrological schools of Tibet believe that the fourth lunar day is very good for trading operations.


It is good to ask questions on this lunar day during divination that require a definite and specific answer, for example, “yes” or “no”. Basically, fortune tellers prefer to answer questions during this period that relate to some important choice.
On the fourth lunar day, a person is between Good and Evil, so all predictive practices should be primarily aimed at the inner world of a person, at his or her relationship to his or her own true self.
A fortune teller should only ask questions that relate to the inner life, not the social sphere.
Divination by fire for wishes
Make a fire, stand next to the fire, stretch your arms forward so that your palms are exactly above the flame. If the fire
– flares up so that the flame touches your hands – the wish will come true
– does not light up and the flames do not reach your hands – the wish will not come true.


According to the Christian esoteric tradition, it was on the fourth lunar day that Eve and Adam ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and recognized Good and Evil.
Many mystical schools and traditions, due to the fact that during this period access to sacred information flows opens up, consider this time to be the most favorable for the transmission of secret knowledge, deepening mystical experience, and receiving some special teachings and guidance from one’s teacher, guru, or spiritual guide.
Shamanic traditions recommend that on the fourth lunar day, one should actively engage in practices related to the use of plants and trees. Druids are also in solidarity with them in this regard.