22nd lunar day

22nd lunar day

General description

The day is named “Elephant Ganesha with a Broken Tusk,” “Suvī (book),” and “Golden Key.” It’s a day of acquiring wisdom and secret knowledge. Practices are associated specifically with this. It’s a magical day, a day for divination, but divination should be conducted through meditation on symbols, images, letters of the alphabet, yantras, horoscopes, and objects that can provide non-verbal, secret, and transcendental knowledge. Any such object can reveal secret knowledge.

Divination can also be done using the “Book of Changes,” which is based on the throwing of bones or random numbers. These numbers are also symbols of meditation. Any image or ornament carries information on a subconscious level. All the objects surrounding us influence us.

Ancients intentionally adorned their dwellings with bright ornaments. In reality, they depicted symbols that facilitated one practice or another. In temples, you can also see depictions of crosses and circles.

Pay attention to your wallpapers and the pictures hanging in your home. Many modern paintings carry negative information because artists often induce themselves into disharmonious states using drugs and then paint pictures. On the 22nd day, we are especially sensitive to images. A certain image on wallpapers or paintings can even cause illness. Symbols on wallpapers should not be destructive, and they should not contain the sign of a goat — an inverted pentagram. It’s better to replace such wallpapers. You can choose wallpapers that are conducive to your rhythm. For example, if your number is Mars, it’s better to choose leaves with three petals.

On the 22nd day, you may feel what is good or bad for you. You need to share the experience you have accumulated and use the wisdom you acquire this day. Energy accumulates with food this day, so fasting is not recommended. It’s very good to show generosity.

If you don’t possess energy, then it’s dangerous to draw symbols on the 22nd day without knowing what you’re drawing. It’s better to avoid such practices.

It’s especially bad to draw closed circles, circles, and squares that limit us on the 22nd day. These symbols can influence us against our will. If you have drawn them, it’s better to erase them and not look at them on this day.

It’s not recommended to make sudden movements, especially sideways, on the 22nd day. This day is associated with the Kundalini chakra, the pelvic girdle, hips, lower back, and sacrum.

Misuse of the energy of the day can lead to back pain, radiculitis, and muscle diseases. The hip joints may ache.

People born on the 22nd day initially preserve traditions, wisdom, and secret knowledge within themselves. If a person does not develop, they may become “die-hard conservatives” because they are confident that they know everything. They don’t want to accept anything new.

People who develop can realize wisdom within themselves and pass it on to others.


Since Ganesha is the god who removes obstacles, all dream images on the twenty-second lunar day indicate obstacles and barriers on one’s life path.

With the correct interpretation of dreams, a person can finally solve many of their problems, remove energetic blocks, and discover what truly inhibits the realization of their divine essence.

The main thing is not to fall for the bait of one’s “ego” when interpreting symbols and not to replace the truth with desires. And of course, Ganesha, being the patron of sacred knowledge, often sends revelations to people in their dreams on the twenty-second day.


During the twenty-second lunar day, the hip joints, thighs, spine, and lower back are the most vulnerable. It’s essential to be very careful not to injure them. For example, if you are lifting weights, try to avoid exercises today that heavily load these areas. Instead, focus on working with other muscle groups.

The twenty-second lunar day is also recommended for starting a cycle of treatment or a new health program. It’s also a favorable period for theoretical studies, such as learning the psychological and physiological principles of a particular sport or health system.


Sex during the twenty-second lunar day should always end with a hearty and festive dinner, preferably in the same place where you engaged in lovemaking. However, it’s not recommended to eat before sex. Firstly, it’s simply unhealthy, and secondly, according to esoteric teachings, the place where lovers engage in sex becomes sacred. This is because a huge amount of energy is generated during the union of the loving couple, harmonizing feminine and masculine energies, establishing a balance between Earth and Heaven, and angels descend on the feast of love. Therefore, the dinner after lovemaking will become a joint meal not only for the loving couple but also for angels and deities. Thus, ordinary eating will be transformed into the mystery of a ritual.


This is the only day in the entire lunar cycle when consuming sweets is desirable and welcomed, as Ganesha, the deity of the twenty-second lunar day, is a great lover of sweets. A legend illustrates just how strong his love for sweets is.

Once, the gods, seeing Parvati playing with her two sons – Ganesha and Kartikeya, offered her a sweet pastry made from heavenly nectar. Anyone who inhaled its aroma immediately found immortality, and whoever tasted it became the happy master of the knowledge of all sacred scriptures, a master of wielding any type of weapon, as well as becoming a wonderful artist and poet. Additionally, they gained the ability of omniscience. Turning to her sons and holding out this wonderful pastry before them, Parvati said:

‘He who surpasses his brother in righteous conduct will receive this heavenly sweetness.’

Kartikeya promptly set off to visit all the holy places on earth, while Ganesha, slowly and calmly, approached his mother, respectfully circled her, and said:

‘There is nothing more praiseworthy and righteous than honoring one’s mother.’

In this way, Ganesha earned this wonderful gift, and since then, he has had a great love for pastries and other sweets.

In addition to sweets, it is very beneficial to include more vegetable salads, stewed vegetables, and casseroles in your menu during this period. It is also good to include milk and dishes made from whole grains in your diet.

Overeating should not be feared during this period, as it is unlikely to occur since the lunar day and your stomach are as insatiable and bottomless as the stomach of the elephant-like god Ganapati. By the way, one of his names – Lambodara, which translates as ‘hanging, large protruding belly,’ speaks to Ganapati’s ability to consume a lot of food.’

In the Brahma Purana, it is told how once, in his childhood, Parvati nursed him, and although Ganesha was already full to the brim, he continued to drink milk from his mother’s breast for so long that his brother Kartikeya did not get any of the maternal milk at all, while Ganapati just kept drinking and drinking.

Naturally, unlimited consumption of food should not be abused. However, in principle, you can eat as much as you want. But if you feel that your saturation point has been reached, there is no need to overcome it; forcing it will not end well.


The twenty-second lunar day is the most auspicious time for businessmen, as Ganesha is not only the deity of obstacle removal but also the deity of wealth. The elephant-headed deity Ganesha will be properly appeased, so he bestows wealth, luxury, success, and fame upon the individual.

During this period, it is very beneficial to visit your mentor, someone who is an authority figure for you, and listen to their opinion regarding your pressing issues. You will definitely learn something new, notice some nuances that were not previously observed but which hinder your path to success. It is worthwhile to work with books and other informational resources, sort through archives, correspondence, check accounting books, and so on. Any activity involving text today will yield positive results.

It is also important to remember that during this period, charitable activities yield fantastic results. The more you donate today for the needs of spiritual societies and communities, the more will come back to you later. The main thing is for your contribution to be sincere and free from selfish motives.

The Indian astrological school considers this day very favorable for trade, so it is better to conduct the most important trading operations during this period.


On the twenty-second lunar day, the most successful divinations are those related to gaining wealth, fame, success, and so on. In other words, the oracle should be asked questions directly related to the social sphere of life.

However, remember that any forecast is just a forecast, not an established fact forever. You can always change something. So if you receive an unfavorable answer to your question during divination, do not despair; with due diligence, everything can be changed. The future originates in the present, so do everything right today, and tomorrow your life will be better than it is now.

Divination with 9 buttons:
For divination, you will need 5 large buttons, preferably of the same size, and 4 buttons of medium size.

Take the buttons in your right hand and throw them sharply over your left shoulder.

– there are more buttons of medium size near you – in the near future, you will face troubles and worries, family difficulties will disturb you, and you will not find peace at work;
– large buttons lying close to the left foot – luck in all matters, strong prosperity, and family joys. Everything will be excellent in the future;
– large buttons are closer to the right foot – people engaged in commerce will be lucky. Business will be successful, and all commercial transactions will bring unprecedented income;
– the same number of large and small buttons – soon you will have everything in equal measure – a bit of joy, a bit of sorrow.


Practically all mystical schools dedicate the twenty-second lunar day to the study of sacred scriptures, as Ganesha is the patron deity of sages, poets, and all sacred texts. One of the well-known Indian legends tells that the great epic “Mahabharata” was composed by the sage Vyasa and written down by Ganesha, who used his own tusk as a pen. Here’s how it happened:

After the sage Vyasa had already composed his poem, he pondered how to transmit it to his disciples. Thinking it over, he concluded that there was no one on Earth who would be worthy of doing so without distorting a single word. Then Brahma appeared before him and advised the sage to turn to the elephant-headed god Ganesha. Vyasa did just that. Ganesha agreed to write down the poem composed by Vyasa, but he set one indispensable condition: he would write it down only if the sage did not pause for a moment in his narration; otherwise, Ganesha would immediately get up and leave. After some thought, Vyasa agreed, but he also set a condition for the god: he should not write anything without understanding the meaning of what he was writing. And that’s how they decided. The work began. Vyasa had to come up with countless twists and turns of the epic narrative “Mahabharata,” making his narration very mysterious and incomprehensible, so that Ganesha’s penmanship slowed down, giving Vyasa time to contemplate the continuation of the story.

The twenty-second lunar day is a day of wisdom and knowledge. It is beneficial to spend it in contemplation, and it is also the most favorable period to start studying astrology.