1st lunar day

1st lunar day

General description

It has three names: “Lamp,” “Lamp,” and “Third Eye,” which means three levels of manifestation.
The process that takes place on this day is the purification of the soul by fire. The dirt of the soul burns in the rays of the Sun.

Recommended practices:
– breathing exercises to clear the mind;
– focusing on the fire, especially if the Moon has entered the air sign – all fears and delusions burn away.
Therefore, it is useful to sit in front of a candle, a fire, or a fireplace. On this day, we bring to the level of consciousness what oppresses us.

We need to consider all negative situations and insults as life lessons. If a person cannot remember anything negative on this day, then it means that there is nothing ghostly in the soul. If you regularly engage in such practices, your soul will be purified, you will not react to life from the position of past grievances, and you will not suspect others of wanting to hurt you. Life will become much more joyful, and your reaction to negative situations will improve.

A special practice to do on this day is to build mental models. After you have cleared your mind of hindering memories, you can build mental models. On the first lunar day, we are given the opportunity to build a phantom of what you want, and then this phantom will live independently. Events will attract themselves, contributing to the realization of your Desire.

Breathing exercises to clear the mind:
The first exercise. In a standing position – inhale, fill your lungs, stretch upwards, and immediately exhale with complete relaxation of the upper half of the body. Exhale with noise and a forward bend, like the “HA” breath. The mental body is connected to the physical body directly through the breath. A person thinks only when he or she is breathing. By interrupting the breath, a person stops the course of thought. Repeat several times until you get rid of annoying thoughts and your mood improves.

The second exercise. In a lying position, relaxed, watch your breath: how the air passes through the nose, larynx, fills the lungs, expands the chest, how it falls at the exit, etc., that is, concentrate on the usual process that we do not notice.

Then you take a calm breath in and out with a full exhalation, holding your breath on the exhalation. You do not breathe, but at the same time observe your body as your chest continues to rise and fall in time with your breathing, even though you are not breathing. You should watch this process with interest and say to yourself: “I don’t want to breathe, I feel good.” You should hold your breath until you feel pleasant, not suffocated (15-30 seconds). 3During this time, the chest will rise and fall 2-3 times. After each exercise, you need to balance your breath. To do this, you need to take several breaths in and out, and then repeat the exercise again. The exercise is done up to 3 times, it is very strong. This breathing can be used when it is difficult to fall asleep – restless thoughts will go away, and the mind will be cleared.

Building a mental model
You have to imagine yourself as you will be when your wish comes true. This is not the process of fulfilling your wish, but the end result. Let’s say you have a desire to do something. You have to see this desired image, like in a picture. You may not be able to see this image right away, it requires concentration.

When you have clearly seen your desired image with your eyes closed, shape it into an oval, as if you were confining the image to an oval. Frame the oval with a blue glow. (This practice is related to the expression: “What would you like to be brought to you on a ‘blue lace platter’?” – you can make this ‘blue lace platter’ yourself on the first lunar day).

It is imperative to think about what will happen when the wish comes true. In all Eastern schools, people come to the point where they do not wish for anything, because every wish fulfilled changes our way of life, and a person may not be ready for this. To make this process go better, it is necessary to hold the stone of the first lunar day, lapis lazuli, in the left hand at the level of the chakra of the first lunar day. Lapis lazuli contains the energy of Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus. Jupiter and Venus give accumulation and expansion, and Uranus includes a lucky break. But the stone must be polished, at least on one side and only by you. The stone will help to accumulate and concentrate the energy of the 1st lunar day.

On the 1st lunar day, you should not get involved in mass practices and contacts. Spicy and hot food is prohibited. The Third Eye chakra is associated with this day. It should not be confused with Ajna, which is located in the center of the forehead. The Third Eye chakra is located in the center between the eyebrows, almost on the bridge of the nose.

The bridge of the nose, eyes, brain and the whole face are connected with the 1st day. And if something “popped out” on a person’s face on the 1st lunar day, or if you hurt your head, this is a bad sign: you have violated the requirements of the 1st day. Let’s say a person ate poorly, and the discharge occurred on the corresponding lunar day organ. If the person did not use the mental energy for its intended purpose, “leavened” it, this can lead to the formation of stones in the internal organs (in the kidneys, gallbladder, etc.).

People born on the 1st lunar day work with the mind at the subconscious level. As a rule, their wishes come true on the 1st lunar day, unless, of course, this desire is pure enough. Such people need to be very careful about their emotions and watch their thoughts very carefully. Their thoughts are realized and act more strongly than other people’s.
There is an expression: “If you wish with confidence, your wish will come true”. This expression is applicable to all people, because the principle of magic is FAITH, WILL, and IMAGINATION. But a person can only imagine what they know and have an idea about.


The dreams of this lunar period show what will happen to you throughout the lunar month, but you need to be careful not to fall into fatalism, because these “dream” images are in a sense only sketches, sketches of future events – some of them will happen, some will not, and some will happen, but not in this way.
Dream images on the first lunar day are the potential of possible events, a seed that may or may not grow. Think of everything you see in your dreams as “anchor points”, coordinates relative to which the events of this lunar month will develop. The correctness of your chosen life direction will depend on how correctly you interpret them.


Be careful, now your body is completely unprotected, so there is a high probability of getting some kind of injury or getting sick. When tuning in to the new lunar month, the body spends most of its energy on precisely “adjusting” internal rhythms to the rhythms of the entire Cosmos, and as a result, neither the human body nor the psyche is ready for any kind of stress. It is best to spend this day in peace and relaxation. In summer, this is the perfect time to take a walk in the woods or relax on the shore of a lake, river or sea.
On the first lunar day, if you do not comply with the sedative regimen, there is a high probability of kidney stones and exacerbation of the entire genitourinary system.


On the first day of menstruation, it is advisable to avoid sex if possible. The body is in a state of self-correction, so any interference will disrupt the adjustment of your bio-computer. During this period, the hormonal system is being adjusted, and sexual contact, as is known, triggers a very strong surge of hormones, which interferes with the body smoothly transitioning into a new time frame. Having sex in the first menstrual day can lead to serious illnesses of the reproductive system, which in turn intensifies the aging process. Because, as Eastern wisdom states, a person remains healthy as long as their sexual side of life is healthy. Therefore, the first day of menstruation is a “time to love,” not “engage in love.” The period of the first menstrual day is best suited for discussions about sex and its details. Share your erotic fantasies and dreams, as well as any fears and doubts, if any. This is very useful because it teaches partners to trust each other.

If lovers establish trusting relationships and learn to share with each other their most intimate sexual dreams, they will undoubtedly expand the palette of their lovemaking games. Do not be afraid to talk about sex because the sexual manifestation of human nature is multifaceted, and how correctly and harmoniously your sexual communication goes determines how happy your life is overall. It is also important to remember that a couple who have not clarified each other’s sexual preferences and habits are doomed to a lot of troubles capable of ruining any, even the most soulful relationships. Lately, more and more psychologists and sexologists recommend occasionally holding such discussions. This allows lovers to relax more, open up, relieve mental tension, and most importantly, release energy blocks.


On the first day of menstruation, it is crucial to refrain from consuming alcohol, coffee, and strong tea because during this period, the body naturally adjusts itself for the entire month ahead. If you include the aforementioned beverages in your diet, they will not only prevent your body from properly adjusting for the upcoming month but may also cause a serious disruption in the biological program of your body for the rest of your life, as everything done on this first day carries the imprint of karma. This menstrual day can be described as “you reap what you sow.”

Additionally, it is best to avoid eating meat and any other “heavy” and dense food during this time. The reason being that on the first day of menstruation, the processes of stone formation inside the body intensify. During this period, a vegetarian diet is ideal.

Naturally, the first day of menstruation is the best time to plan your diet for the month ahead. Carefully assessing your own physical and emotional condition, and determining which vitamins and foods you lack for the proper functioning of your body, decide which dietary system suits you best. It is highly beneficial during this period to schedule the days of the month when you would like to undergo cleansing procedures and plan the month in such a way as to transition smoothly and harmoniously into them, rather than abruptly and suddenly.

Such an approach will give your body the opportunity to follow natural rhythms, allowing you to protect yourself from sudden complications because cleansing the body or transitioning to a new diet at the wrong time poses a significant danger, which can only be avoided by attentively listening to yourself and the surrounding world.


During this menstrual day, it is advisable to refrain from any business-related activities, so it is strongly recommended to postpone all affairs, cancel meetings with partners, and defer signing contracts and agreements. Just like in any other sphere of human life, the first day of menstruation is designated exclusively for planning, and only for planning.

It is best to dedicate this time to developing a business plan for the next month, contemplating the overall strategy, carefully analyzing your current situation, and exploring new ways to implement your business ideas. As it is known, success is achieved not by those who constantly rush forward, but by those who first choose the optimal path and then proceed along it. Efficiency does not always depend solely on spontaneity but rather on wise and fruitful planning. It is not for nothing that there is a saying among creative people: “Improvisation is only as good as it was prepared.” And business thrives only when approached creatively.

Naturally, it is not advisable to buy or sell anything on this day. Any active actions during this period are fraught with instability and, in the worst case scenario, may lead to emergency situations, which often ultimately result in failure.


It is best to refrain from fortune-telling as the future is still unstable, and significant distortions and inaccuracies may arise.

According to some magical traditions, on the first day of menstruation, it was also customary to avoid fortune-telling because it was believed that during this “dark” period, an active evil force was present, attempting to obscure the picture of the future in order to lead good people and saints astray from the righteous path.


From an esoteric perspective, the first day of menstruation, according to mystical traditions like those of Tibet, is considered the most favorable time for making offerings to one’s guru, teacher, or saint, as well as for making donations to temples and churches.

The first day of menstruation is also auspicious for taking vows associated with spiritual achievements, such as undertaking multi-day fasts with restraint from food or speech.

It is a favorable day for planning one’s spiritual activities, preparing a schedule of yoga sessions, and other religious and spiritual practices.